- Egg salad wrap after day of not eating + a truckton of Christmas candy + trouble sleeping + Nutcracker score + friend knocking on your door to give you a Christmas present + long, LONG weekend of studying ahead of you = perfect excuse to go and have a two-person dance party with your hallmate at five-thirty AM in the building where half your classes are held.
- Tony the Tiger can waltz into your cafeteria whenever the hell he feels like it, and this will provide infinite laughs for you and your classmates.
- It IS possible for you to meet three film majors named Pat, all of them male, all of them two years older than you, within two years. I'm seeing a trend here...
- Riding a scooter to church is ONLY a good idea if Daylight Savings Time has NOT ended yet.
- College students will eat pizza anywhere, anytime, regardless of who makes it.
- Getting tackled by a very small Irish girl with a very loud voice is very, very painful. Particularly when it is on a non-carpeted floor.
- The fire alarm will go off when it feels like it, regardless of whether or not there is an actual fire.
- The night that you have a midterm to study for will be the only night that your hallmates feel the need to throw a party right down the hall from your room (a.k.a., your favorite place to study).
- Michigan is colder than Maryland. It's easy to forget these things when you haven't been in Michigan for three months.
- Your dorm room will never, ever be the temperature you want it to be. You have two choices: 1) Incubator, 2) Refrigerator. You cannot win.
- Question: What is the correct time to dance barefoot in the quad? Answer: During a thunderstorm, of course!
- That random chick with the manatee necklace, who you just so happen to meet when she stands behind you in line at the student store, can and probably will turn out to be one of the best friends you have ever had.
- McDaniel Campus may or may not have the largest population of Monty Python fans of any campus in the USA. Research is still being conducted.
- Having family in the state is amazing...especially when that family involves a political writer uncle, an aunt whose personality closely resembles that of Lorelai Gilmore, and a cousin who owns three dogs that are so hyper that you think they may actually be related to Stitch.
- That guy you loved in high school, who you swore was unique in every possible way? Yeah...he has a sixteen-year-old counterpart: a freshman physics major who will actually sit at the dinner table and complain because he won't have a PhD by the time he's twenty-one years old. No, before you even ask, I am NOT making this up. Such a person does exist. And no matter how smart you think you are, you will rethink your own intelligence after spending five minutes with this kid. And he will make you laugh. Hard.
- Audition for Vagina Monologues. Just do it. You will feel like an idiot, but I'm telling you, it is sooooo worth it.
- People do not feel the need to go to bed at normal hours. I don't care how late you're up, there will ALWAYS be someone else who is awake.
- Harry Potter fans are just as rabid in college as they are in high school.
- The Philosophy Club is the coolest club on campus, because they wear glow-stick underwear and hold dances outside and sit on rock waterfalls in meetings and randomly text you and make Inception references at just the right moments.
- Best part of all: All those crazy, weird, stupid-as-hell things you did in high school, that you thought would have to end in college? Wearing cloches and long skirts for the hell of it, and dancing in the pouring rain, and staying up all night just because you want to see the sunrise, and watching RENT instead of going to a party, and reading Cyrano de Bergerac for the 100th time, and cuddling with your guy friends, and acting like a four-year-old with your guy friends, and just generally being crazy with your guy friends, and calling your girl friends at two AM because you think you might be in love with one of your guy friends? Guess what?
What happens when you give an art student a camera and set her loose on the world? Find out here...
Thursday, December 29, 2011
End-of-year reflection (MY way)
Saturday, December 10, 2011
FML, FML, FML, FM bloody L
Friday, December 9, 2011
Mind Fornication...so good for writing
Friday, December 2, 2011
I'm exaggerating a bit, I suppose, but that's how I feel right now.
It is on the internet.
It is on YouTube.
Should, I don't know, Gus Van Sant, let's say, be wandering around the internet at 2 AM and YouTube-search "Interlochen," HE could see this video.
(I know that's unlikely. But still.)
You don't even know how long it took me to get this damn thing uploaded. I mean I tried about a dozen times, over the last year, in varying stages of internet connection, to get this movie online. And guess what? Tonight it FINALLY happened.
I am happy.
Oh, but that's not all! Guess what else? I have a Flickr now, too! And I can post my photography there (I have only recently discovered how ridiculously, it-should-be-illegal-kind-of fun to take pictures. Particularly pretty ones), and I can post videoclips there...and I can just throw myself out on the internet and be like, "HEY! FILMMAKER OVER HERE!"
So, yes, tonight I am very happy.
Happy. :)
My Flickr photostream
Enjoy, fellow Hipster Art Geeks ;)
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Excerpt from my NaNo Novel
A few days later, I have mail. Not e-mail, real mail, so rare these days, which makes it an incredible treat.
I lock the mailbox, hurry upstairs and open my prize. The handwriting on the envelope looks vaguely familiar, and when I open it up I see why: it’s a letter from an old friend, a former Collierite, currently studying at USC.
Miranda—I’ll cut right to the chase.
You don’t know what’s been going on these last few months. We need you out here, and we need you bad. We’re in the Heart of Hollywood; the MPAA has so much control it’s ridiculous. Indie directors and screenwriters are screwed like you wouldn’t believe. Dropping the f-bomb in a PG-13 film and getting away with it is considered a victory. And yet people complain that the MPAA is getting too loose, that their standards are slipping…which is in all likelihood the reason for the crackdown in the first place.
I know you’re busy, I know you’re working hard at NYU, but please, Miranda, we need someone like you. You’ve rebelled in the past, and you have a history with USC. You spoke at the film festival and blew everyone away. Please come out here, just for a few weeks. We need someone who’s got the heart, and if your speech at the festival was any indication, you’ve got heart to spare. We’re all at our wit’s end. We need a lobbyist, and I remember how passionate you can be when you care about something. You know how to get a crowd going. We’ve suffered defeat. We’re lagging. We need a rebel. We need a kick-ass woman like you.
I sent you this in a letter instead of an e-mail for two reasons. First of all, I know you love getting mail, and yes, you might consider that to be sucking up, but frankly I’m beyond caring, as long as it gets you out here. Second, there can’t be any records of our group activity anymore. We have to be careful. So if you do come out here, don’t make it public. Tell Conor and Adrienne, if you must, but no one else.
Miranda, I am begging you—no, not begging. I’m simply asking you, filmmaker-to-filmmaker, but more than that, Collierite-to-Collierite, if you will come out here. I can’t keep this group going on my own, and people are starting to drift—they don’t see the point, they think there’s no use in fighting. But there is, and I know you know that. Please help me. You’re my secret weapon. My Woman in Black. (Don’t tell me you don’t remember that.)
And for the love of God, Miranda, hurry. Our resistance is crumbling. (Did that appeal to the former drama student in you? I hope so.)
Missing you (as always),
Cooper Riley
I read and reread the letter, analyzing from every angle and squeezing every last drop of meaning that I can out of it. My instincts are screaming at me to go, to pack up and get on the next flight to California. Adrienne would approve. I know she would. She’s always telling me to “hang the bloody consequences.” If I go, she will cover for me here until I get back.
But Conor…no. He won’t like this, not at all. And neither will Callahan. In fact, if I showed this letter to Callahan, he would have a stroke, a heart attack, and an aneurysm all at the same time…and then he’d burn the letter and give me a three-hour lecture on why rebellion must be treated with caution.
“It’s meant to be a subtle buildup, not a siege,” he’s always telling me, when I recount my glory days as a Dead Poet.
Hang consequences, Miranda! Go! Go to them! No, don’t…you’ll never get work again if you do.
The conflict bats in my head like a tennis match. I can’t go. I can’t. But oh, God how I want to.
If you do this, you will regret it for the rest of your sorry career, my inner Callahan warns me.
If you don’t do this, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life, Adrienne’s voice counters sharply.
I can’t. I can’t. I can’t.
I fish in the kitchen drawer until I find Adrienne’s cigarette lighter. It’s red, a dark, rich red, with silver carvings down one side. It fits perfectly in my hand. I’ve never held it before now.
I stand over the sink with the letter in one hand and Adrienne’s lighter in the other.
Do it.
I can’t!
Do it.
I can’t!
You can’t go. Burn the damn thing. Stop torturing yourself.
The little yellow flame dances in front of my eyes, teasing me, flirting with me. It’s hungry. It wants that paper.
Burn it. Now!
The resulting blaze lasts only a few brilliant moments—it is, after all, only one sheet of paper. I turn on the water and watch the crumbling remains of the burned letter slide down the garbage disposal. It’s not until I turn the water off and see a drop fall onto my sleeve that I realize I’m crying.
Gone. It’s gone, it’s over, I made my choice and there’s no turning back.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
I'm back...
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
A brief rant...
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Know thy crazy, f'ed-up little self
· Met my idol—twice
· Spent more time listening to Red Jumpsuit Apparatus than can possibly be healthy
· Fallen for a douchebag. Multiple times
· Written, directed, and edited four narrative shorts
· Directed and edited two documentaries
· Written countless stories, poems, essays, and screenplays
· Fallen for a gay boy
· Made friends with an Interlochen alum almost three times my age
· Fallen in love with a transgendered college student
· Kissed a girl
· Kissed a boy
· Thrown up at school
· Walked into walls
· Fallen in love with my best friend
· Hated myself for being overweight
· Learned to write by writing fanfiction
· Competed in synchronized skating competitions
· Competed—and won medals—in martial arts tournaments
· Gotten a second-degree black belt in Moo Sool Do
· Gotten rejected by over twenty film festivals (but never stopped trying)
· Gotten into one film festival
· Had my film played on my college’s TV station
· Had my screenplays read publicly
· Cried many, many times
· Lied to my parents
· Felt inferior to my best friend
· Felt inferior to my boyfriend
· Went off the diving board when I was five years old
· Ran a stop sign in my first driving lesson
· Climbed into the catwalk of a theater, terrified every step of the way, but exhilarated once I got up there
· Kept secrets, both mine and others
· Told other people’s secrets to my best friends and felt terrible afterward
· Gone to Coon Creek Orchard countless times with my parents
· Gone to the Pinery with my parents
· Gone to boarding school
· Gone to online school
· Gone to a public high school
· Witnessed illegal drug use
· Fell off of chairs, tables, and down stairs
· Pretended to have read books I hadn’t read just to impress a boy
· Pretended to be an atheist so a boy would like me
· Pretended to hate another boy so a boy would like me
· Got rejected from four colleges
· Got accepted into five colleges
· Gone on a zip line
· Gone canoeing (and hated it)
· Gone hiking with my favorite teacher
· Gone whitewater rafting
· Learned to relish acceptance after countless rejections
· Read and fallen in love with Harry Potter
· Discovered the hard way how unpleasant it was to hate people
· Gotten bullied in various forms, for various reasons
· Worked on twenty short films
· Written countless song lyrics
· Listened to so much music so loudly it’s a wonder I haven’t gone deaf yet
· Wished on over 1,000 stars
· Sung my favorite song in Spanish over and over again for no reason
· Drawn endless pictures with sidewalk chalk
· Played in my backyard for hours on end
· Watched an inestimable number of movies
· Been in a long-distance relationship
· Written a blog
· Become a member of the counterculture
· Gotten into a Facebook catfight with a boy I wish I hadn’t hated
· Gone swimming in the ocean
· Had many glorious snowfights
· Sat under the table at dinner
- · Participated in NaNoWriMo
- · Had my first all-nighter when I was seventeen
- · Went as Milady de Winter for Halloween and felt classier than I’ve ever felt in my life
- · Saw A Clockwork Orange and decided it was the movie of my soul
- · Read Peace Breaks Out and decided it was the book of my soul
- · Read Twisted and decided that I would have to make the movie adaptation
- · Read far more books than could possibly be listed here
- · Watched/listened in total amazement as the president of my college calmly and objectively watched my movie, then told the head of Advocacy Team that it was “a great effort”
- · Ate lunch with Interlochen’s finest teachers
- · Lost faith in my once-favorite teacher, and desperately wished I could regain that faith
- · Engaged in an endless battle of wits and soul with my junior-year thesis advisor—still not sure if I lost
- · Hated myself for failing, multiple times
- · Faced a much-needed four AM intervention from my roommate and a fellow MPA
- · Realized my mistakes far too late to correct them
- · Hated a boy so much that I let it change who I was
- · Made the first gay-themed film of my school—and cleared the path for other students to make those types of films
- · Watched my first horror movie and decided to be a filmmaker afterwards
- · Fell in love with Tim Burton
- · Watched helplessly as my best friend was taken away from me mid-school year, twice
- · Started a resistance with my best friends
- · Sung loudly and happily in the Bowl late at night, rules be damned
- · Made (bad) movies with my dad from the time I was in elementary school
- · Saw countless plays and musicals
- · Saw The Rocky Horror Show live, twice
- · Learned to play the piano
- · Taught my dad how to play the piano
- · Learned how to do improv acting
- · Tried out for high school improv team and didn’t make it
- · Got tiny, insignificant roles in just about every play I tried out for
- · Gave up acting and went into filmmaking full-time
- · Took a video/media class and was ruthlessly and relentlessly tortured by the boys in said class
- · Tried to make a movie in that class anyway
- · Went to Interlochen Summer Arts Camp to learn how to make movies
- · Fell in love with Interlochen
- · Applied to Interlochen Arts Academy and got in
- · Loved Interlochen so much that I never wanted to leave
- · Hated the MPA department so much that I sometimes wondered why I’d gone into filmmaking in the first place
- · Fell in love with filmmaking all over again thanks to my best friends
- · Graduated with honors, for which I did not receive credit
- · Won an iPod Touch in a school contest
- · Lost so many contests I’ve stopped counting
- · Won an obituary contest at my library
- · Was runner-up in a poetry contest at my library
- · Volunteered in the kids’ section at my library for three summers
- · Joined the most amazing Christian fellowship to ever exist at my college
- · Threw myself into a pile of snow, just because it was there
- · Participated in two ice shows
- · Jumped into infinite piles of leaves
- · Sang in a church choir
- · Cried hysterically watching Elephant
- · Survived Whooping Cough and Swine Flu
- · Danced, played pool, and bowled all night with a boy I was madly in love with
- · Been given amazing compliments by the most beautiful, soulful woman I have ever met
- · Prayed at the strangest times
- · Gone sledding with my dad
- · Gone on countless amusement-park rides
· Places I’ve been:
o Northern Michigan
o Montana
o Canada
o Texas
o Ohio
o North Carolina
o Maryland
o West Virginia
o Virginia
o Kentucky
o New Mexico
o Chicago
· Places I’ve lived:
o Northern Michigan
o Southern Michigan
o Maryland
- · Found my first best friend in a martial arts class
- · Lost that best friend a year later
- · Reconnected with that girl, but no longer called her my best friend
- · Read A Separate Peace when I was thirteen years old and cried inconsolably
- · Wrote notes to my best friend in a semi-useless attempt to get her through difficult times
- · Decided that Cyrano de Bergerac is the play of my soul
- · Saw The Godfather and that Francis Ford Coppola is vastly overrated
- · Got fired by a fifteen-year-old
- · Been called:
o “You sneaky woman you”
o Little girl
o Lazy
o Annoying
o Stupid
o “Fingernails on a chalkboard”
o Ridiculous
o Compassionate
o Skilled writer
o Terrible writer
o Hopeless
o Naïve
o Pathetic
o Boring
o Weird
o Wild
o Over-emotional
o Useless
o Hipster
o Uneducated
o Too smart for my own good
o Wonderful
o Beautiful
o Ugly
o Fat
o Loser
o Dumbass
o Irritating
o Dateable
o Too curious
o Too sensitive
o Too loud
o Too shy
o Too quiet
o Too judgmental
o Too modest
o Too Christian
o Arrogant
o Atheist
o Hypocritical
o Lovely
o Kind woman
o Smart woman
o Kick-ass woman
· I’ve played the role of:
o Filmmaker
o Daughter
o Surrogate sister
o Best friend
o Cousin
o Girlfriend
o Enemy
o Rival
o Student
o Teacher
o Charge
o Protector
o Scapegoat
o Rebel