Sunday, February 20, 2011

Blogging my first Indie Short, part 2

No time--lots to do--but I HAVE to take a second to blog, because 1) It's been waaaay too long, and 2) I loveloveLOVE my indie short crew and I have to take a second to gush about them.

In a nutshell, today we resumed shooting (a week later than we meant to, but that's okay) and I have to say, my actors and AD BROUGHT IT today. It was my first time working with Annie, and let me tell you, I would be lying if I said she didn't blow me away. She was sweet, polite, professional, and honestly, as an actress she KICKS ASS. I had literally five minutes to give her a total character overview--turns out, I didn't even need that much time. She walked on set, snapped into character, and served up one hell of a performance. Alex played off her brilliantly, as well as delivering a great performance of his own--I've worked with Alex before, but I've never seen him as good as today. No goofing off, no "inappropriate" jokes between takes, no complaining even when I asked him and Annie to go outside (it SNOWED today) for a wish-list shot--I could not have asked for anything better from either of them. Anytime we had to do re-takes, it was because of technicalities, not the actors.

Nicole and Isaac were unavailable today so it was down to me and Matthew--literally, there were FOUR PEOPLE on our set. Having just come off a five-day MPA shoot where there were a minimum of about a dozen people on-set each day, this was not just refreshing, it was eye-opening: It reminded me of how much I love pure, raw creation. You know--when you just take two or three friends, grab a camera, and say "GO!" It's magical beyond words. Today made me remember what I love about the art of film--not the technology, not the hierarchy, not the red tape and the hoops and the step-by-step "required process." Just a couple of people I like and trust, a camera bought secondhand for $150, and about two hours of free time.

There was no production slate, no studio lights, no thesis advisors. It was me, Matthew, our two actors and our two cameras, and pretty much nothing else. We had from two-thirty to four forty-five scheduled, and we ended up finishing half an hour early because our actors were so freaking professional that it took about five minutes to complete each shot. We didn't get forms signed, didn't do a beat breakdown, just took our shotlist, went into an empty room, and got going. We had time to get extra shots and STILL we finished at about ten after four--so we were over thirty-five minutes ahead of schedule. BEAT THAT, FELLOW FILMMAKERS. ;)

Also? Can I just add that our actors had about 24 hours' notice that we were shooting today--and they STILL managed to get to set EARLY, dressed and ready, and deliver some of the best performances I've ever seen from either of them? Oh yes, they did. This was one of those times when I realized that not only am I lucky enough to do what I love, but I am lucky to know smart, talented people who, like me, are only here because they WANT TO BE. I love working with people who feel as passionate about what they do, as I feel about what I do. (Was that a properly constructed sentence? I hope so...)

And, hey, guys...remember the post about "drama" back at the beginning of February? Seems like people weren't listening, because there's an EPIDEMIC of drama going down here lately. C'mon, guys...can't we be mature young adults? Please? I don't want to see our senior year go up in flames because we'd rather play the Blame Game than show a tiny semblance of integrity. Let's stop treating each other like s#$%, okay?

Thank you.


"You're like a Care Bear gone rabid!"

Person one: So, Valentine's day is coming up. I think you should profess your love.
Person two: I think so too!
Person three: Yes! I could sing it to him!
Person two: NOT LIKE THAT! Oh God, bring out the steak knives!

"Will you fetch me some water, Shae? To make up for shooting me?"

Person one [girl]: I'm going to the bathroom...[to boy] Hey, watch her while I'm gone, so she doesn't disappear.
Person two [girl]: Oh, drat.
Person three [boy]: Actually, I have to go to the bathroom too...
Person one: Not the same one, I hope.

Person one: Hello darling, how are you?
Person two: Student senate was bulls**t, how are you?
Person one: Oh well spotted, Sherlock...I'm fine, thanks.

Person one: Why not work here for the summer? You can earn money and hang out with interesting people all day.
Person two: Yeah, but you can also do that at a strip club.

Person one: You have to see Let the Right One In, you will see so many parallels to our friendship...except I'm not a vampire...and neither are you...
Person two: How do you know if I'm a vampire?
Person one: Isaac, if you were a vampire, I would know.
Person two: Yes, but it's been mostly overcast since we how do you know if I sparkle?

Person one: This is a perfect example of insanity. Look at this--these are my class notes from one session of Fairy Tales class. If you crossed out what I already knew before that lesson, there'd only be half a page of notes.
Person two: Actually, that's pretty normal.

Person one: Just say, "Honey, don't masturbate in front of your therapist, okay?"
Person two: I learned that the hard way.

Person one: He doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground!
Person two: How is that biologically possible?
Person three: No, wait, here's how you tell: Your ass is the one that follows you around.

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