Ohkaaaay. So. I KNOW that a certain someone will begin the verbal prodding for me to blog if I don't do it soon (two or three days between posts? Jesus!), so I'll do it. With nothing better to blog about, I shall steal a 100-question quiz from a DeviantArt buddy's journal and do that, simply because I think it looks like fun.
1) Full name: If you're reading this blog, you already know it. (And for those of you who DON'T know this already, my middle name is Elizabeth.)
2) Male/Female: Teenage girl - OMG, like, everyone run for, like, your lives! ;)
3) Were you named after anyone?: Not that I'm aware of.
4) Does your name mean anything? Damned if I know.
5) Nickname(s): Lulubelle, AE, Blondie (even though my hair is NOT any lighter than that of the person who calls me that).
6) What do you think you look like... name wise: Uhh. Whaaat? This question makes no sense. Moving on!
7) Date of birth: The very last month of Autumn. Also the soggiest month of the year.
8) Place of birth and current location: Place of birth: Michigan; current location: Michigan. Hmm, I need to get out more...
9) Nationality: Scottish, Welsh, Irish, German and Cherokee (but no one believes that last one)
10) Astrology sign: Scorpio.
11) Chinese astrology sign: Monkey. I THINK. I'm too lazy to look it up.
12) Religion: Unitarian. Yes, I am aware that most people think we're all tree-huggers. Not true, I tell you!
13) What's your favorite smell?: LAVENDER!!!!!!!
14) Political Position?: See question #4.
15) What do you prefer to drink in the morning?: Cold water.
16) Hair + eye color: Hair, either VERY dark blonde or VERY light brown, Eyes, dark blue or sometimes grayish-blue, depending on the light.
17) Do you look like anyone famous?: I have been told that I have "Taylor Swift Hair," however, by no means do I EVER resemble Taylor Swift.
18) What do you look like?: Ridiculously short. Out-of-control curly hair. Eyes that don't like to decide on a color.
19) Any unusual talents?: I can burp the word "Hawaii." Apparently it runs in the family.
20) Righty, lefty, or ambidextrous?: Right-handed and right-footed, however, once in Tae Kwon Do lessons I managed to break a board with my left foot.
21) Gay, straight, bi, or other?: Meh. Does it really matter?
22) What do you do for a living?: Absolutely nothing. I go to boarding school for heaven's sake.
23) What do you do for fun?: Depends on what kind of mood I'm in.
24) What are your favorite art materials to work with?: Does a camcorder count? If not, then definitely pastels.
25) What kind of materials would you like to work with?: I'd love to try charcoal, but I'm too chicken.
26) Have you met your grandparents?: Yeeees.
27) Boyfriend/Girlfriend: In the words of my facebook status, It's Complicated. I like seals.
28) Crush: Uhh. Yeah, because I'm TOTALLY going to put that online.
29) What celebrity would you date if you could?: Hmm...if I could go back in time, Jim Steinman or Bob Geldof.
30) Current worries?: My thesis film!!!!
31) Favorite online guy/girl(s): Do facebook friends count?
32) Favorite place to be?: Interlochen!
33) Least favorite place to be?: Dentist's office, eye doctor.
34) Do you burn or tan?: Generally, I burn. Or, if I haven't been in the sun for a long time, I sort of glow because I am ridiculously pale.
35) Ever break a bone?: Never, thank God.
36) What is your favorite cereal?: Cinnamon toast crunch or frosted flakes
37) Person you cry with: Usually my Mom or my best friend.
Do you have...
38) Any sisters: See #31.
39) Any brothers: See #31 (again).
40) Any pets: Nope.
41) An illness: Well, right now, a cold...
42) A pager: Nooo.
43) A personal phone line: I share one with my roommate.
44) A cell phone: Yep.
45) A visible birthmark: Not that I'm aware of...
46) A pool or hot tub: Yes, in my backyard!
47) A car: Not yet.
Describe your...
48) Personality: Absolutely batshit crazy. I mean it. I cry easily, I laugh even more easily. My friends think it's cute. My opposition does not.
49) Driving: you, up a wall.
50) Your clothing style: Whatever the heck I feel like wearing that day.
51) Room: Messy!
52) What’s missing: Organization.
53) School: Interlochen! 2011 FTW!
54) Bed: Uncomfortable.
55) Relationship with your parent(s): They read my blog, what do you think I'm going to say here? ;)
56) Do you believe in yourself?: Sometimes.
57) Do you believe in love at first sight?: Childishly enough, yes.
58) Consider yourself a good listener?: Only when I'm not tired.
59) Have a future dream that you would like to share?: Being a filmmaker.
60) Get along with your parents?: Yes!!!!
61) Save your e-mail conversations?: Sometimes.
62) Pray?: Yes.
63) Believe in reincarnation?: Yes.
64) Brush your teeth twice a day?: Yes.
65) Like to talk on the phone? I prefer talking in person.
66) Like to eat?: Meh, I'm kind of a picky eater.
67) Like to exercise?: Dancing, ice skating, and MPAing!
68) Like to watch sports?: Figure skating.
69) Sing in the car?: Only if my dad is with me.
70) What is a dream that you have all the time?: I have had a recurring dream that Amy Lee is kissing a random band frontman in my basement while celery stalks try to chop their way into my house using rubber axes. If this makes sense to you, please let me know now.
71) Dream in color?: Yeah. I would LOVE to have a black-and-white dream, though.
72) Do you have nightmares?: Unfortunately, yes.
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal?: Usually it ends up on the floor; I am not exactly known for staying still while I sleep, half the time I wake up and my blankets are on the floor.
74) What's right next to you?: A bottle of dried-out nail polish and a very annoying alarm clock.
75) What's on your favorite mug?: Red and white hearts. Yes, I'm aware of how cheesy that is.
76) What's on your mouse pad?: I don't use a mouse.
77) Your favorite flavor of gum: Trident cherry!
78) Your brand of deodorant: Anything that helps me NOT stink.
79) Your dream honeymoon spot: Greece.
80) Your dream husband/wife: ...? Dude, I'm in HIGH SCHOOL.
81) What's hiding in your closet?: A lot of stuff that I have to pack in a few days.
82) Under your bed: Drawers...?
83) The name of one of your closest/best friends: Mishka! Gus! Aaron! Elli! Oh my God, I can't choose ONE!!!! What kind of nutty quiz is this?
84) Your bad time of the day: That time when I realize I have four homework assignments that I have to do in one hour.
85) Your worst fear(s): Drowning, being abandoned...oh yes, how could I forget, ZOMBIES!!! I HATEHATEHATE ZOMBIES!!!!!!
86) What's the weather like: Warm, for once!
87) Your favorite time of year?: AUTUMN! FALL! WHATEVER YOU WANNA CALL IT! I LOVE IT!!!!
88) Your favorite holiday?: Halloween. Ironic, considering that I am the world's biggest scaredy-cat.
89) A material weakness?: Movies!
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: Pizza topped with candy corn.
91) At the top of your "to-do list"?: Edit.
92) The hardest thing about growing up: Do you really want me to answer that?
93) A pet peeve?: The word "pimple," idk why but I HATE it.
94) Your scariest moment: Doing a superman slide down a hill after falling off my scooter.
95) Your attitude about love?: It's amazing but it also kind of sucks.
96) The funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex?: I can't remember...knowing me, I probably just cursed.
97) The worst feeling in the world: Disappointment.
98) The best feeling in the world: Acceptance.
99) Who sent this to you? No one, I did it because I was bored.
100) people you tag - Nobody...although if you have a blog and you want to do this, feel free.
So tonight I went to the senior creative writing reading, lined up some shoots, talked to people, made some bromance jokes (in honor of Pat, of course)...and no homework. None. God, I love not having a quiz tomorrow!
By the way, I made a facebook page for my thesis...if you are on my crew (you know who you are) please join? And Mr. Stills Guy, please post the stills on that page? Pleeeease? :)
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