Saturday, May 15, 2010

I'll Bet Those Years, You Won't Be Here...

...But that doesn't mean I'll forget you.

Seriously, after tonight, I've come to the conclusion that I have the best friends anyone could possibly ask for.

Today, three people listened to me rant and ramble without so much as one inquiry of "Are you insane?" A girl who I sometimes actually think of as a sister hugged me and informed me that I am "amazing." (Insert blush here...) A person who I've only met once and haven't had more than a few awkward IM sessions with actually took the time to stop and say hello to me. I blurted out "I like seals" to someone I barely know and he did not bat an eyelash. (Of course he did laugh at me, but come on...wouldn't anyone laugh if some random chick informed them that she likes seals?)

This would only be a big deal if you know how it feels to be the typecast "loner." One friend came to a show with me, stood there with me afterward while I greeted the friends of mine who had performed in said show, came to the after-party with me, and then talked me into going to a dance. During a good chunk of this time, she patiently listened to me railing against a guy we both know I like, and never once did she say, "What are you, nuts?" even though she would've been fully justified.

But my favorite friend-moment tonight would have to be what happened immediately after signing in.

You know those moments when suddenly you just realize, "Oh my God, we actually are friends?" This was one of those times. I don't even know why he was the first person I thought of, because believe me, we are not that type of come-to-me-for-every-problem-we-tell-each-other-everything kind of friends. But we've known each other awhile, and I like to think we're close. It's kind of hard not to feel close to someone when they candidly tell you what they think you need to hear, even if it's not necessarily what you want to hear.

I ran into said friend after sign-in. Knowing that he was in a relationship with someone, and that it was an extremely strong relationship, and feeling down because I had just made a fool of myself in front of someone I really like, I blurted out, "Can I talk to you?" Magic words. Next thing you know, we're sitting in the dorm lounge having a heart-to-heart. And I feel really, really damn lucky right now to have a friend who is honest but not pessimistic--does anyone out there understand how rare that is?

It made me think...

So many of my friends are leaving next year.

Most of them are seniors.

But a few of them are not.

This sucks. It sucks because I know that I will say to these people, "I'll keep in touch," and they'll say to me, "Me too," but come September we will all be so busy with school that we will barely talk. It hurts because once you feel so close to someone you think you'll be friends with them forever. But you won't really, because sooner or later, you will grow apart in some way. It doesn't mean you don't still love them. But you grow apart anyway, because it's just what happens when you have long-distance friendships.

So what do you do?


No, I'm serious.

I don't know what's going to happen in the next year. I don't know what will happen tomorrow, let alone something that will happen three months from now. I don't know what's going to happen by next May. I don't even know what's going to happen as soon as I hit that lovely little orange "publish post" button and put this blog post up.

Here's what I do know: I will try my damndest to not let go of my friends over this summer. Or, in the case of my senior/PG/nonreturning friends, in the next year.

And all I have to say to You-Know-Who is--thank you. You are a good friend. Why do I always forget that? I don't know. All I know is, you'd darn well better come back next year, mister. I mean it. And you had better be my A.D. next year. You, Harry, and Aaron are gonna be my "trifecta." ;)


...Who's with me? :D

Okay. Subject change. What in the hell is going on outside right now? It's almost one in the morning. People should not be outside blaring music and screaming. What the f#$%?

Okay. I'm off to see what's going on. Good night.

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