Saturday, September 18, 2010

Addicted to Coffee...House

Tomorrow's Mackinac Island trip doesn't give me a whole lot of time to post...but I have to, because so much incredibly epic shit happened to me today. Also, it has been nine days...once again, I fail.

So this is an insider post, meaning that if you are not from Interlochen, you probably will not understand it. (But since this is an "Interlochen Blog," I don't have to worry about that, right?)

Tonight, at Coffeehouse, I witnessed...

A kissing chain
A white boy rapping (and doing a f#$%ing good job, as I, the non-rap listener, can eagerly confirm)
A REALLY intense rendition of a Jewel song (Sierra, you ROCK)
A mini-dance party
Secret-spilling (which I actually took part in, to be honest)
Stripped-down acoustic awesomeness (this happened more than once)
The Vagina Monologue (am I going to get flagged inappropriate simply for typing that title? I hope not!)
Inside jokes made into songs
A medley about liking girls (which included the most soulful rendition of "I Kissed A Girl" that I've ever heard)
Poetry readings (again, I did this too--I'll explain later)
Marco as the Coffehouse Host
Thoroughly Modern Millie
Evil plots involving Moldy Peaches songs

And that is just the START of what happened tonight.

This is just one of the many things that I love about Interlochen. To me, this is more important than the "community meetings" that they drag us to once a week. This builds our community far more than anything that the admins can force on us. There were roughly two hundred people packed into that place at one point--I can't think of anything that strengthens a community more than packing into a huge space, bringing acoustic guitars, a piano, some lyrics, a poem, a monologue, WHATEVER your medium, and sharing our talents with each other. I don't know about you, but I have to feel pretty damn safe before I stand up in front of 200 people and read something that basically sums up my unrequited feelings in about three stanzas. Same goes for the people who play songs they've written, sing songs that they've heard and found meaning in (just pretend that was grammatically correct, ok?), or read sections from plays (yes, Marco, I'm talking to YOU).

I think that's the thing about Coffeehouse. I didn't know most of the people there tonight, to be sure--but I knew I wouldn't get laughed at, and no one would roll their eyes, and no one would think less of me for reading something I'd written. And honestly, I think that's pretty cool, just to be able to express yourself like that...don't you think?

Okay. One more thing concerning Coffeehouse, and then I will move on.

This, for anyone who missed it, is the poem I read tonight, title omitted (because it doesn't exist):

I found a place where I knew I could be safe
You took that place and made it yours
You stole things I could never take back
Stole time I could've spent with someone else--
Someone more important to me
Than you can be in years of friendship.

And it never rains, it just pours like hell
And I'd beat you up if I weren't kicking myself
You make it so bad sometimes that I can't cry
Because I'm screaming so loud my throat hurts
And I wish I wasn't your freaking third wheel
But damn it, I am, and I let it be that way because it's so easy.

Because you never want me around
Until you want something from me.
And then when you want something
Suddenly I'm the most important thing to you
And your stupid friends
And all the people who shouldn't matter--
But they do.

And for the record, I DO have friends.
Friends better than you, exponentially better
And I love them so much more than I'll ever love you
And I really do hate you sometimes
And I have never hated any of them, for even a second
Because they've never hurt me, but you have.

Oh, but you have power.
You have power over me, and no matter what
I know I can't take that power away from you
Because it's yours, and you know, sometimes
I really think it's meant to be that way.

That concludes the sappy portion of our show.

On to the random list of the night...


"Girl Next Door" by Saving Jane
"Pictures of You" by The Last Goodnight
"Bless the Broken Road" by Rascal Flatts
"I'm Too Sexy" by Right Said Fred (Yes, I AM a geek, thank you for asking)
"Compassion" by Todd Rundgren
"Bullet the Blue Sky" by U2
"Phantomrider" by Tokio Hotel

And now for everyone's favorite...


“Of all the topics I did not think we’d cover tonight, rat testicles would have to be number one on the list.”

Person one: Who are your suitemates?
Person two: Ronald Regan and Hitler.
Person one: What?
Person two: No, T and J.
Person three: Same difference.
Person two: Wanna try and figure out which one is which?

Person one: My teacher told me a story about a drunk chimpanzee this morning.
Person two: Yeah, well, last night, my hall counselor told me a story about a taxidermied squirrel with its own cult following.

“Hello, gentlemen! Would you mind terribly if I stand here and cleaned your already-spotless table just for the sake of doing something?”

Person one: What if we were all trapped in here by the serial killer and had to choose someone to die, and we all chose Jeff, but the serial killer just killed us all and set Jeff free?
Person two: Then Jeff would think you all deserved it!

Person one: "Love, Lust, Letdown?" How can that be the title and plot of the movie if it's just one person?
Person two: He loves himself, he lusts himself, he lets himself down.
Person one: He lusts himself...wait, what? That makes NO sense!
Person two: Oh, come into our room sometime late at night, you'll see him lust himself.
Person one: I SO didn't need that image in my mind before workshop, thank you...

Person one: Want to help me assemble this bike?
Person two: Dude, I can't even do Legos!

"You can go to the bathroom whenever you want, but if you're gone for a long time I WILL call Health Services...'Hello, I think we have a diarrhea student here...'"

"I can't think how to protect you except for kicking someone's ass. So, if you will kindly direct me to the ass which needs kicking, I will proceed to do the kicking of the aforementioned ass."

Person one: I love you guys!
Person two: I love us too!

And with that I sign off, because I have to sleep tonight, because tomorrow...


(I WILL do a post on that, I promise.)

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