But anyway! Here's the lowdown of the first week of Inty:
1. There was a dance the first night back. I didn't attend this, but I heard through a community meeting led by our student deans that there was some stripping involved. From what I heard, the worst thing involved was some bras and boxers (as in, no actual nudity), but the deans deemed it appropriate to say at the first community meeting: "Okay, guys...here's how it works...at an Interlochen dance...WE KEEP OUR CLOTHES ON."
2. Welcome Wagon and Lisa Melnyk led a scavenger hunt...in the pouring rain. It started raining just as we walked out the door to start the scavenger hunt. Rain + tired, hungry students + annoying Freshmen Mentors who liked withholding clues and messing with us = AWKWARD. And not all that fun, to be honest. Oh well...it was a bonding experience.
3. Getting-to-know-you business such as community meetings, senior meetings/class meetings, and my personal favorite, Opening Convocation, complete with reception. I took a thousand pics at Convocation...to my Interlochen buddies, just so you know, as soon as I get enough good Inty pictures from this year there WILL be a new facebook album, so keep an eye out for that.
4. THIS was not a campuswide activity! My friend Lucie E. turned eighteen on the night before classes started. To celebrate, a handful of us gathered for chocolate fondue and pizza in her apartment-like dorm room. One of her presents was an inflatable mannequin (not anatomically correct, unfortunately) named Bradley, which we dressed up in clothes from the Share Box and propped in the window, much to the delight of the very immature teenage girls (yes, I include myself in that) present at the party. It was absolutely epic.
5. First day of classes! Yay! I made a fool of myself in Spanish class (hey, it happens to the best of us), got bumped from a poetry class that I desperately wanted to take (but, good news--I'm the only one on the waitlist for second semester!), and--FINALLY, some good news--got into a kickass film aesthetics class, got a kickass phsyics teacher, and got a group of EPIC new people in my major.
Shoutouts to the following new MPAs, whom I've gotten to know and like over opening weekend (if I leave you out, it's not because I dislike you--it's because we haven't gotten to know each other well yet, so please don't be offended!):
Travis C.
Sam K. (a summer camp crossover!)
Nicole A.
Connor E.
Connor B.
Aimee R.
Nic W. (another camp crossover!)
And of course, the awesomealistic returners:
Cat A.
Harry H.
Aaron T.
Jeff K.
Colin C. (my workshop buddy!)
Kylie C.
Lee Won P.
Jamie T-R
I'm glad to have such epic people in my major, you guys rock!
To the other newbies: I look forward to getting to know you and working with you, this is gonna be a good year! :)
Some other happy moments that occurred this week:
- First workshop of the year! (MPAs, YOU know what I'm talking about!) I love, love, LOVE the people in my production workshop class this year. Shout-out to all new and returning juniors and seniors--good luck with your thesis films! (And hey...if anyone needs an art director, grip, or AD, I'm here...just sayin'... ;) )
- I actually wrote a letter in Spanish, for an assignment...now, this was a MAJOR accomplishment, seeing as I haven't written/spoken Spanish in school since I was a sophomore and couldn't remember for the life of me how to spell ANYTHING...it took forever, most of that time spent looking up words in the dictionary...but it was worth it!
- I had a blast doing Welcome Wagon and meeting a shit-ton of new people...including about a billion new theatre majors and MPAs, chilling with Mishka when I wasn't on a shift, and saying hello (and hugging the crap out of) people I hadn't seen all summer.
- I went to the mall on Monday with my roommate and intended to get stuff for the room, but instead I ended up with a cute new jacket and a rather inappropriate--but so epic and so fun!--little black dress, which I plan to wear to our...
- ...Home-LEAVING dance on September 12th! Just found out about this today: We have a Homeleaving dance, instead of a Homecoming dance...apparently I can thank my awesome suitemate, Sarah B., for that. So thanks, Sarah, this is gonna be EPIC!
- A few of us have been gathering nightly to watch movies in the DeRoy Boys' Lounge (which, despite being female, I AM allowed to enter between the hours of 9:30-11 PM on weeknights), tonight we're finishing American Beauty, which I was pleased to find out is an AWESOME movie. It's funny...last year I was barely friends with any of the MPAs until mid-year...and now this year, I'm already making friends with the newbies and it's barely a week into school...YAY COOL NEW PEOPLE! :D
Person one: The Orphanage is a great movie. You should watch it.
Person two: Will it scare the living hell out of me?
Person one: No, just the dead hell.
"I can only imagine the FaceBook statuses that will stem from this conversation..."
Person one: I hate Ellen Page!
Person two: I hate Jane Eyre!
Person three: I hate YOU!
Person one: Was that yesterday when we had that stare-down, or was it Wednesday?
Person two: With Harry, every day is a stare-down.
[while doing a class exercise involving information from the internet]
Person one: I should've gone on that website last night.
Person two: Not really...I went on there last night and it didn't do me any good.
"The only difference in the food this year is that it is whole-grained crap, instead of white-bread crap."
Person one: Talking to you is like knitting a sweater out of mashed potatoes.
Person two: I've never done that before.
Person one: Do you knit?
Person two: I don't knit with mashed potatoes.
Person one: Actually, it's about as fun as knitting a sweater out of potatoes too, because--
Person two: Whoa, is that a compliment or the other way around?
Person one: I was SAYING, if you'd let me FINISH--yes, it's about as fun as knitting with mashed potatoes, because it's such a novelty. Every conversation is different, you know?
[silence, while Person Two looks at Person One like P1 is insane]
Person one: Oh, come on, admit it...you're glad to have me in your life.
"This treatment is one big serving of What the Hell."
"I loved seeing those two together...it was like Beauty and the Beast...only, you know, he was too cute to be the beast...so, like, Beauty and the Horny Theatre Major."
"This has got to be the first bad idea that Lisa Melnyk has ever had."
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