So, I have heard the complaints..."You never finished your countdown, you evil person you!" Yes, I know. And believe me, I am as disappointed as you are--I really liked my countdown. BUT. When you are staying in a hotel that charges you ten dollars an hour for wireless internet, it's a bit hard to do a post every day (3 days, 3 posts = $30. Not good). And then the problem of the Interlochen registration, and not getting my computer permission form on time...well, you get the idea.
But never mind, blogging will now resume regularly. (In my defense, I WAS more frequent with the posts this month, until the no-internet situation kicked in. And that WILL continue, I promise). And we are starting off the lovely month of September with...
I think their mentality here must be, "We will PRETEND we are caring of new students...but really, we shall overwhelm them as much as possible." ;) Just kidding, Interlochen...only not really, because here is the schedule for this weekend:
Thursday - Registration, a.k.a. Chaos in the Concourse, commences at eight AM. Move into dorm as soon as you're registered. This madness continues all day, until 5 PM, when we breathe a sigh of relief, change out of the uniform, and go to dinner (or, for some unlucky Welcome Wagoners, dinner is postponed because we have to help people move into McWhorter). Mixer (dance) at seven. Dorm meetings after sign-in.
Friday - Continue unpacking. Continue the madness of registration. Major meetings at nine AM, for me this isn't a problem because it's right in my dorm. Then continue to try and meet people. Finally, go to a community meeting/scavenger hunt at seven-thirty, toast some s'mores, and have a hall meeting (which is actually different from a dorm meeting).
Saturday - More meetings and such. More "let's get to know each other" activities...
Sunday - See Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
Monday - Ah, finally, something new: Shopping buses in the afternoon. (Although I think--I THINK--they might do this on Sunday, too.)
Needless to say, they do not let us take it easy our first weekend here. And then Tuesday, it's straight into classes. I have a class this year with a teacher who told me, upon hearing that I was in his class, "Get ready to have your head taken off."
To which I replied, "It's okay, I'm an MPA. We get our heads taken off all the time. We just take them and put them back on, and move on with our lives."
It's so weird to be back, and to realize that even though this is the same place that I know and love, it's CHANGED. So many people are gone. So many new people are here. It's so hard to not be possessive of this place...seriously, it's so hard not to do stupid things like refuse to go someplace with someone because it used to be your go-to place with someone else, you know? Okay, I'm not making as much sense as I should be. But what I'm trying to say is, this place isn't static. It changes. No duh, right? Well, I didn't really understand that--REALLY understand it, I mean--until I came back.
No Jess.
No Andrew.
No Seneca.
No Tressa.
No Jake.
No Zac.
No senior MPAs...hell, now I'M a senior MPA.
Now, I'm not trying to be melodramatic. Really, I'm not. Because there are so many amazing people here, so many people I am already friends with and so many people I hope to be friends with, and it seems so silly to complain about who isn't here and who couldn't come back.
Am I the only one who feels weird about being back here? I've talked to so many graduates who've said, "It's so weird not going back." But it's weird being back here and see something so similar, but know that it's changed. You can't re-create your Interlochen experience.
Ugh. I promised to start off September with a Happy Post, and look what I write instead! Let's punch up this sappiness with some good old-fashioned STOLEN DIALOGUE!
(Oh, how I've missed this...)
"Oh my God, SLOW DOWN! The speed limit is 55! Can't you see the flashing yellow signs? They say "Slow down! Things are f#$%ed up around here! You aren't used to this car, you aren't good with this car, and you're driving like a damn MANIAC! SLOW DOWN!"
"I think this redefines the phrase, 'You're screwed.'"
"Those of us in the day-glo obnoxious orange shirts will be delighted to help you. Those of us who are not wearing day-glo shirts just aren't as helpful."
"I have an idea. Let's just throw the refrigerator through the door. That way we won't have to open it."
Parent (hearing our mixer music): "Oh my God, this music is going to make these kids want to have sex!"
Person one (on the phone): I am very lucky to have a friend who will throw me a going-away party that includes ecstasy, clowns, and balloon animals.
Person two (reentering after leaving the room): Ooh, I came back at just the right time!
"I don't have a plan. But that doesn't make me the Joker."
(discussing zombie outbreaks)
Person one: Always gotta be prepared.
Person two: Absolutely.
Person one: That's how I live, you know.
Person two: ...In fear of a zombie apocalypse?
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