Thursday, November 4, 2010

Blogging NaNoWriMo: Part One

I'm not even going to comment on my October Fail. I will just say this: It's better than March of last year. And in my defense, I was working on college apps. SO THERE.

That said, there will be a LOT more blogging in November, because 1) I'm almost done with apps, and 2) it is NATIONAL NOVEL WRITING MONTH, and it's my first time doing it, so I'm going to have a blast with this.

The "official" rules of NaNoWriMo:
1. Start your novel at the beginning of November (optionally, at midnight on Halloween)
2. Get 50,000 words by the end of November
3. Don't steal any ideas from published authors or your fellow writers

The UNOFFICIAL rules of NaNoWriMo:
1. Drink a Mack truck full of coffee every day.
2. Either eat loads of sugar or drinks tons of energy drinks.
3. Load up on caffeine at every possible opportunity.
4. Neglect everything else in favor of NaNoWriMo.
5. Stay up late into the night (my personal record is 7:00 AM) writing.
6. Be as douche-y and as "starving artist" as you possibly can.
7. Compete with fellow NaNoers to be as ragged and beat-up a possible. (Ex. "I only slept four hours last night!" "Oh yeah? Well I slept THREE!")
8. Alternate your writing playlist between depressing, sappy music and upbeat, fun music for maximum variety in your novel-writing.

So for the entirety of November, I will be working on a 50,000 word novel, in addition to my thesis and my college apps. Is NaNoWriMo silly? Of course it is! But you know what, while it's not an ideal way to write a book - *coughQUANTITYOVERQUALITYcoughcough* - but it's fun, it's rebellious (it IS, damn it) and it's a good way to bond with your fellow writers. Why not have a good time, and practice writing in the process? It's a great way to hone your skills for stuff that REALLY matters.

And, hey, if anyone can't get into NaNo, you can also do Script Frenzy in April...but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

So since I'm discussing NaNoWRiMo, I HAVE to share something I've written for it, right? So tonight I'll just share the summary (I won't upload EVERYTHING I write for NaNo--I'll probably put it on DeviantART at the end of the month, though), and with each post I'll share a bit of the story. Sound good?

So here is the summary and working title:


Sixteen-year-old aspiring writer Emma Stephenson has always lived in the heart of the famously sheltered Mackinac Island. But when a dangerous combination of politics and newcomers turn the peaceful island into a chaotic near-war zone, Emma is unceremoniously shipped off to a college preparatory boarding school on the mainland and confronted with situations she’s never heard of, let alone expected to face.

At first Emma thinks it can’t be that hard; from her media-driven knowledge of boarding school she expects rules and discipline. To her shock, the rules are minimal and the kids are allowed to do whatever they please, so long as they get their schoolwork done. Lost on the shores of brisk, sunny Torch Lake, stripped of everything she knows or cares for, Emma feels like her life is virtually over.


The Gay-Straight Alliance meets on a windy October afternoon and a reluctant Emma is dragged along by her new friend, Ramie. There she spots someone she’s never spoken to, or even really seen: A boy with lime-green hair and a serious lack of inhibition. But is it really a boy? Or is the mysterious person something that Emma can’t even begin to understand? Before long the rumors circulate, the game is up, and Emma not only begins to question her friends’ beliefs, but also her own.

It seems more autobiographical than it is, I swear. Emma and I really are nothing alike. If I met her in real life, prior to her character's "transformation," I would probably want to smack her (you'll see why when I start posting bits of the novel).


In other news...

How many people are ready to slap me with a wet noodle if I gush about Michael Jackson on this blog ONE MORE FREAKING TIME? *looks into cyberspace* Yeah, well, get your wet noodles ready, because I'm about to gush like a firehose...

Today I saw Ghosts, Michael's short film/music video about, well, ghosts (and idiot mayors) and immediately decided that there was no point in going to film school and that I should just quit now and become a starving artist, because there is no way that ANY film that I make will EVER be this beautiful. You think I'm exaggerating? I'm not.

Well, okay, I am a little, but only about the starving artist part, I swear. (There is no power on this earth that will make me drop out of school, especially before I've even gotten into film school. Come on, guys, you know me better than that.) BUT this movie is absolutely incredible, and no joke, I DID cry when I saw this...I can't explain why. Here's what I can explain: Michael Jackson + Stephen King = UNBEATABLE. It's like The Corpse Bride had a baby with "Thriller" (try getting THAT image out of your head).

"Ghosts" has the honor of being the World's Longest Music Video (I'm not even exaggerating about that - it's in the Guinness Book of World Records), at roughly 40 minutes long, directed by Stan Winston and written by Stephen King, Mick Garris and (of course) Michael Jackson. It's about a man called the Maestro (Michael Jackson) arguing with the mayor of a "normal" town (also played by Michael Jackson - but by looking at the video you wouldn't know it) about whether or not the Maestro is "bad" for doing magic tricks and telling ghost stories to the town's children. Of course music, dancing, and theatrics ensue, along with plenty of scares and a boatload of CGI, and some ghoulish backup dancers. I swear, though, it's not a re-do of "Thriller," it does have some of the same elements, but it has a very Tim Burton feel to it and it's every bit as sweet, sad, innocent and "aww!"-able as Edward Scissorhands.

I could go on about this all night, but here's the heart of the matter: "Ghosts" is amazing. Watch it. End of story.

Part one:

Part two:

Part three:

Part four:

Part five:

It looks like an MJ overload, and it is - but it's well worth waiting the 30+ minutes it takes for each YouTube part to download.


No quotes/stolen dialogue this time because I've been pathetic and haven't written any down...but don't worry, next time there will be PLENTY.

Besides, you don't have time to read stolen dialogue - you have to watch "Ghosts"! DO IT NOW!

...Please? *imagine MJ giving you puppy eyes* *imagine ME giving you puppy eyes*

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