Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Checklist

Checklist before leaving for Thanksgiving Break:

1. Turn in lab report. (Check!)
2. Turn in reading response. (Check!)
3. Clean room. (Check!)
4. Pack. (Check!...sort of)
5. Say good-bye to Mishka and the Hottest Suitemates (Check!)

I had an AMAZING birthday! My parents came up and gave me like a thousand cupcakes to distribute to my friends and MPA classmates. I felt like a cupcake fairy all day! "Here...have one! They're yummy! They make everything better!" My mom makes a MEAN cupcake! ;)

I went to dinner tonight with my roommate and mom, we hung out in a hotel room with my dad and watched Pirates of the Caribbean, then us girls went to the mall and chilled for a while, and THEN I came back and walked around the cold (but very, VERY beautiful) Interlochen campus before coming back and helping clean up the times!

The Present Log for today: iTunes gift card and AmEx gift card (from my parents), colored pencils (from my awesomealistic roommate), Betsey Johnson necklace and matching bracelet (from my mom), Michael Jackson DVD (also from my mom).

Best moments of today: Mr. Nadji (Mr. Physics Teacher) giving me an animal cracker with a candle on top of it so I could make a birthday wish; entire MPA major singing happy birthday to me; dude I have a crush on literally RUNNING to me to give me a hug and wish me happy birthday; talking to Dad about the patheticness of sequels; CUPCAKES; huggles and birthday wishes from my best friends; collecting soooo much stolen dialogue; SEEING MY PARENTS; hanging out in the library with Mishka, Gus, and Ellie.

Well, NaNo is going splendidly crappily. My plot changed (AGAIN), and between lovely college apps and homework it's looking very unlikely I will get 50,000 words by December. That said I will NOT give up on my novel, I love it. I just don't think I am going to win the NaNo this year. Maybe next year, I'll be able to do it since I'll already be IN college and won't have to apply anywhere.

I'll have a better post next time, I swear.


"I want my boyfriend to look like Hugh Jackman!"

Person one: Shall we count the number of times you used the F-word in that sentence?
Person two: No, Avery, we shall not.

Person one: No one's told you about Holiday Dinner?
Person two: No...
Person one: You are sadly uninformed.

Person one: Can you come over?
Person two: Yeah.
Person one: I'm warning you, I just had a Chem test. I'm going to be annoyed. I'm going to be an asshole.
Person two: I can be there in ten minutes.

Person one (quoting a comedian): Cocker poodle: Half poodle, half cocker spaniel, all bad idea.
Person two: Michael Jackson Fanfiction: Half Michael Jackson, half fanfiction, all bad idea.
Person three: Wait, there's MICHAEL JACKSON fanfiction? Isn't that blasphemy?

"Speaking of gay, are you free tonight? Wait, that came out wrong..."

Person one: One day, you need to politely tell your parents to bugger off.
Person two: I can't even tell YOU to bugger off, how can I tell that to my parents?
Person one: I'm just persuasive.

Person one: I'm going to be, I'm not.
Person two: Oh, come on, be blunt, I'm used to it.
Person one: You are not! When am I blunt?
Person two: When are you NOT blunt?
Person one: Give me concrete examples!
Person two: "Direct me to the ass which needs kicking..."
Person one: That wasn't blunt.
Person two: "Tell your parents to bugger off..."
Person one: Okay, that WAS blunt.

Person one: He is as queer as a three-dollar bill.
Person two: I had a dream once that those existed!

Person one: Muchos nachos, muchacha! (Much nachos, woman!)
Person two: I should put you on speaker, so Liz can hear you speaking Spanish.
Person three: Oh, she speaks Spanish?
Person two: In the very loosest sense.

Person one: He was very confused about his sexuality last year.
Person two: That, and he wanted a snog.

Person one: So I was talking to Connor--
Person two: Ooh, he's a hunksicle!
Person one: What? No! He's, like, a cross between a teddy bear and an older brother!
Person two: No, he's a hunksicle!
Person one: No! A hunksicle would indicate that he's very good-looking and very cold!
Person two: He IS good-looking!
Person one: But he's warm! I hugged him earlier!
Person two: Oooooh!
Person one: Are you going to do this with every guy I mention?
Person two: Yes!
Person one: Gustavo! [name of gay dude]
Person two: [shuts up]

"There are more gay dudes here than pencil sharpeners!"

Person one: So I got called down to the desk and the counselor was like, "Your mom called, she said to make sure you work on your college applications today." SHOOT ME NOW.
Person two: Dear God in heaven...your mother needs a freaking house in Jamaica, with a lifetime supply of martinis...and maybe some Valium.
Person one: Agreed! WHYYYYY? Why does she do this to me?
Person two: Because she is in desperate need of either relaxation or a kick in the arse.
Person one. Or both.
Person two: That too.

Person one: I know I'm reasonably smart, but whenever I'm around you guys or Harry I feel exponentially less intelligent.
Person two: Was that a compliment?
Person three: Yeah, she was saying we're smart!
Person one: Uh, you guys ARE smart.
Person three: I don't know...after those auditions today, I feel like those actors think I'm the dumbest motherf**ker that ever lived!

NEXT UP: Thanksgiving Break! There WILL be a series post on this...I SWEAR. I don't know exactly how or what yet, but it WILL happen.

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