So why am I admitting this now? Well, going along with my last post, it's okay--more than okay, in fact--to have those songs that you just have to hear when you're not at your best. I'd be lying if I said that some of my happiest memories haven't occurred while dancing around the kitchen with my dad, Ashlee Simpson or the Click Five blaring at top volume, laughing so hard I can barely breathe.
Can I just add here, there is a definite difference between music that I truly love--a.k.a. bands that I'm willing to drive to Ohio to see in concert, spend full price for their latest CDs, and write tribute poetry or draw banners that they'll never even see--and that guilty pleasure music that I only listen to when the only thing that will really make me feel better is dancing around my room singing into a hairbrush. (And don't even pretend you've never had a day like that, because I know we all have.) But yes, some of the songs on my list definitely come from the bands I worship. And not everything on that list has to be a Top 40 hit; after all, some of us don't want to sing into a hairbrush when we're upset; sometimes the only thing that will make you feel better is throwing that hairbrush through a window. And again...that's okay.
I think everyone who has read this blog knows by now that I may quite possibly have the world's weirdest taste in music. (And anyone who debates this, please remember, you are talking to a girl who quoted Good Charlotte, UnderOath, Taylor Swift, Dr. Horrible, and Wicked all in the same post.) So yes, some of the songs on my pick-me-up playlist are horribly, disgustingly obvious and cliché, while others are definitely less common. Here are my top ten:
1. Firework - Katy Perry
For you fellow 90s-early 00's kids, this video probably reeks of "Beautiful" by Christina Aguilera (which, incidentally, also used to head my Top Ten Pickup Song list), except more upbeat. But that's exactly what I love about it--and it just goes with the song perfectly. As for the song itself, I could gush about it forever. Her voice is freakin' awesome, I swear I didn't know she could sing like this until I heard this song. Also, this song was influenced by Kerouac's On the Road--if that's not awesome, I don't know what is. But what I love most about this song is that it's positive and powerful without being too cheerleader-y or cheesy.
2. Born This Way - Lady Gaga
Yeah...I know, I know... *patiently waits for readers to stop laughing, then continues*
Believe what you want, but I think this is pretty much the quintessential "Be yourself!" anthem. Lady Gaga is one of those performers that drives me up a wall--she has so much talent and distracts from it by acting and dressing like a circus performer on crack--but this is her most solid work, in my opinion. It's catchy and the lyrics are, as Marisa Tomei would say, dead-on balls accurate: I'm beautiful in my way, 'cause God makes no mistakes has got to be the best line she's ever written--I get chills every time I hear the chorus.
3. Shot in the Dark by Augustana
1) If Dan Layus' voice does not melt you into a sticky puddle on the floor, you are either comatose or you have no taste in music. 2) The instrumentation on this song is beyond epic. If I were a musician, I would want to play with this band, no question. 3) It's just so's such a hopeful song, but in a realistic way. It's every bit as encouraging as "Firework" and "Born This Way," but a bit less in-your-face--and sometimes, less is more.
Amazing Acoustic Version (click on this, trust me!)
4. Festival Song - Good Charlotte
This is from an album that my dad played me 24-7 when I was a kid, so in addition to having an incredible message, it has some epic memories connected to it as well. In fact, so many of my favorite pick-me-up songs are from Good Charlotte that I could probably have a top ten list just of those--but this one is definitely my favorite. "Festival Song" is one of those songs that simultaneously makes me wish I could sing and forget that I can't.
5. Janey Don't You Lose Heart - Bruce Springsteen
This is another one from my baby days--in fact, I think this was my first favorite Springsteen song. I remember getting in the car and saying, "Daddy, play my song! Play Janey!" and singing along (only to the chorus, of course, because back then I had no idea what he was saying in the rest of the song). Springsteen has a knack of making you feel whatever he's singing about--if he's saying, "Feel better," damn it you have no choice but to feel better.
6. Don't Hate - Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
Could I REALLY do this without an RJA song? "Don't Hate" is probably one of the best songs they have ever released: It's more straightforward than "Grim Goodbye," without being as in-your-face as "Reap" or "Pen & Paper." Added to which, it's part of an incredible trio of songs with a music video arc: "Choke" (part one), "Don't Hate" (part two), and "Hell or High Water" (part three). The videos are epic and the message is dead-on. Result: Perfection.
7. La Vie Boheme from RENT
I dare you to listen to this song without smiling. To me, this song epitomizes the musical--it's 100% joyful rebellion, which also kind of epitomizes my senior year, if you want to know the truth. I don't care who's singing this song, hell, if Ben Stiller got up and belted this out, I'd probably start dancing.
8. They Don't Care About Us - Michael Jackson
(Admit it, all knew this was coming.)
Would someone like an explanation of why I find this song so comforting? ...yeah, me too. It's probably the most depressing song on my list (and that includes #9). But I still get a sense of hope when I hear this song. Even better, some elements (especially the censoring) tick me off a little, which can sometimes turn sadness into anger, which can lead to action. Better still? The music video. Who can feel sad when watching Michael Jackson dance? (Don't answer that question.)
9. Don't Jump - Tokio Hotel
Okay, yes, this one is a little depressing. I will admit it. But the message is powerful, and the music video is absolutely breathtaking. This was the song that got me hooked on Tokio Hotel, and it never fails to comfort. (Need I add: Looking at pretty Georg Listing never fails to cheer a girl up either?)
10. We R Who We R - Ke$ha
*once again patiently waits for laughing to stop*
Yes, I know this song is actually about partying. Guess what? THAT'S WHY I LOVE IT. Maybe it's just because it reminds me of my senior prom, a.k.a. one of the single most amazing nights of my high school experience. Or maybe it's because listening to Ke$ha inspires me to, like her, not give a damn. Or maybe it's just that the word "hipster" will forever remind me of that road trip with my dad, no matter what context it's in. I don't know. I don't care. I love it.
Bottom line: Your pick-me-up playlist does not have to be sophisticated, even if that's where your usual taste lies. (Yes, all you hipsters out there, I'm looking at you. There's no law that says you lose your Hipster Card if someone else--le gasp!--has the same favorite song as you.) All that matters is that it makes you happy. And yes, I'm aware that my cliché-o-meter is skyrocketing. Chillax--it's just for one post.
And no, I don't have any stolen dialogue this time. I really am sorry about that. I need to start writing things down again...
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