As of this post, I hereby swear that I will never, EVER EVER EVER go so long without posting again. I promise anyone who reads this blog that there will NEVER be a lack of updateage after this, yes, even though it is thesis film season and I am up to my neck in filmmaking, I will NOT be such an idiot about updating my blog. I promise!
And now, to the actual update. Spring Break kicked major ass...I'm not even going to go into full detail of how much fun it was. I'm just going to point out the highlights:
1. Watching all three Back To the Future movies in one weekend with my dad...that was just epic on so many levels...and then we watched all bonus features, so we had BTTF overload :D
2. Seeing all kinds of epic indie movies! Henry Poole Was Here, Interstate 60, and Saint Ralph were my favorites - if you haven't seen them, you should, they were both EPIC :D
3. Making a Pete Townsend-styled guitar cake for my dad's birthday :)
4. Making a prom dress with Mom...that was just made of epic win...and shopping for fabric was the fun part :)
5. Getting the 25th anniversary-edition of Thriller, as well as the This is It DVD, and staying up until 4 AM--only once, I swear!--geeking out over Michael Jackson and, once again, wondering why I only figured out that he was a genius AFTER he died. Also realizing all over again that, despite my general aversion to synthesizers, I absolutely LOVE his music. (But don't worry, Ronnie Winter, you're still my favorite.)
6. FINALLY finishing my feature-length for class - and then the downside, realizing it was crap and having to rewrite half of it. Oops. Good thing I like revision...
7. LEARNING TO DRIVE ON THE HIGHWAY!!!!! Seriously, this was a defining moment for me. I realized that I am in fact one of THE slowest drivers in America and, for my own safety and the safety of others, I should never, EVER drive in the left lane.
8. Reading (but not BUYING) the New Moon movie book while in Jo-Ann fabrics. Yes, I am just that big a nerd--I actually liked reading the how-we-did-it movie book better than actually SEEING the movie.
9. Finding out that I do in fact sleepwalk, or at the very least wander around the house half-asleep. I only discovered this after having a dream that I went down in the basement, discovered several celebrities inside said basement, and came back upstairs to get my parents, and then when I woke up I actually was standing in the middle of the master bedroom. The next day I reported this to my parents, and my dad said something along the lines of, "If I was having a dream that Bill Kaulitz [lead singer of Tokio Hotel, who Dad thinks is a total freak] was in my basement, I'd sleepwalk too."
10. Talking to my ICA Camp friends over FaceBook. Yes, I know I do that all the time ANYWAY, but it's much better without the threat of failing a homework check hanging over my head.
So yes, that was my Spring Break. Not the most exciting thing ever, but it was a nice break from the business of Interlochen. With the added bonus that now, if by some chance I ever go on a sponsor group trip and we drive on the highway (this is what you call "suspension of disbelief" and for some reason said sponsor cannot drive, I can take over, provided I stay in the right lane.
Okay...moving on.
So it's only been a few days since I got back to IAA, but whoa, what a week! So far we've had sunshine, rain, wind, cold, heat, and now--if I'm not mistaken--snow. At least, I assume it's snow outside my window and that there is not a flock of dandruff-infected birds sitting on the roof directly above me. As soon as the suitemates get up and I can enter and exit without waking up half the people on my floor, I will go out and investigate. For now, I think I'll just report on what's been going down for the past few days.
Who here knows this feeling: You're on the phone with a pal from back home. You're all snuggled up in your (admittedly not too comfortable) dorm bed with you cell phone and a package of Oreos. You're not arguing with your roommate/suitemates, they aren't arguing wiht each other, and everyone is, for once, getting along perfectly. The internet isn't down despite the fact that it's a near-thunderstorm outside. The room is warm but, since you have the window open, it's not a human-size oven. Everything is totally fine.
And then...
Your homeland best buddy informs you of ridiculous but still horrifying (to a teenager, anyway) drama which you can't help him with because you're out in Middle of Nowhere USA while they are stuck in your hometown.
Can you say, "oh, crap?" Because I sure can... Let me tell you something, few things are worse than hearing "Oh, by the way, my girlfriend is cheating on me with my best friend, I'm failing Chemistry, I crashed my parents car, got into a fight with Joe, and almost got arrested for underage smoking all in one weekend, but don't worry, I'm totally fine" over the phone from someone who you would have to sprout wings or obtain a jetpack in order to help. This is when you yell over the phone, "ARE YOU NUTS?!" and end up getting into a screaming argument about how Kristen Stewart could SO kick Ben Stiller's ass. (Don't ask.)
So, what's the solution? I have no f#$%ing clue. All I know is that I am finally beginning to understand why my parents worry so much whenever I vent about school disasters to them. Worrying about stuff you have virtually no control over totally sucks. So, my advice is...don't.
No, you didn't misread that, and no, that was not a typo. My theory is, all you can really do is give you friend (or, mom and dad, your KID) advice on how to handle the istuation and then CALM THE FRENCH DOWN, as my friend from fiction class would tell you. It's totally fine to be concerned. That being said, I've finally figured out after six months of school that stuff is going to happen whether you're there to help or not. Might as well not give yourself gray hairs over it.
And to the person who nearly gave me said gray hairs (you know who you are!), if I were you I would tell this so-called friend to go to hell, and then pour Jell-O down his shirt for good measure. But that's just me. Oh, and Kristen Stewart WOULD win that fight. I only say this because I would love to see someone--ANYONE--beat Ben Stiller.
Speaking of freaking out over things we can't control, was anyone else totally shocked when Aaron Gillespie quit UnderOath? Or was that just me? It was? Okay, moving on.
I also recently found out that Red Jumpsuit Apparatus has a new EP/album coming out sometime in May. It should not surprise anyone to know that I actually jumped off my bed and screamed, "YES!" when I heard this. (See, Ronnie? I TOLD you you're still my favorite.)
Okay. So, on to the freak show that has been Interlochen Weather since the third week of March. In said third week--the week leading up to break--it was warm. And sunny. And did I mention WARM?! I'm talking about sundress-wearing, shorts-wearing, frisbee-playing, sunbathing warm. And then as a welcome-back present, we were all treated to three days of cold and rain. ow, being a rain-lover, I was actually pretty happy about this. In fact, yesterday I went down to the waterfront (don't worry, any IAA officials who might see this, I didn't go INTO the lake, I'm not that crazy) and watched the rain hit the water for the better part of an hour and a half. Rolled around in the grass wearing jeans, a tank top, and a very thin sweatshirt and got SOAKED. This was, to me, total freaking heaven.
And it only got better when I got back to my dorm and had what I like to call a "Rocky Horror moment," as in, a similar situation to something that happened in The Rocky Horror Picture Show. The counselor at the desk looked at me like I might possibly need my head examined (and she might be right about that, but still) and remarked, very observantly, "You're...very wet." To which I happily replied, "'s raining," and had to try very, very hard to not laugh. I then went back upstairs to my dorm and had a good night of calling parents and working on fiction class homework (trust me, this IS fun) and then went to sleep listening to the rain.
After the magical night of rain it was a bit of a letdown to wake up and see snow flurrying outside my window. To be fair, it has STOPPED snowing by now (it is, as of this very moment, April 8 2010, 3:13 in the afternoon, just for the record), but as a friend said earlier, "Welcome to the seizure that is Interlochen weather," so we are probably in for a LOT more weirdness.
So, I've talked about music, I've talked about spring break, I've talked about weather. Hmm...what else is there to talk about? Oh, I know. OREOS! Which I mentioned earlier, but I just have to rant about this because it's ridiculous, and we all know how much Beatnik Belle loves ridiculousness.
What. Is. The. Deal. With. Oreos!?!?! Seriously, do we NEED seventeen different varieties of Oreo? There's the classic black-and-white thingie with the cookie halves and the white frosting in the middle. That's good. Then there's Double-Stuf, which is also pretty good. Then we have seasonal Oreos, with colored icing in the center, depending on which season we're talking about. That's fine. Can't we stop there?
Oh, no. We have to have "Uh-oh Oreos" with chocolate filling and vanilla cookie halves. We have to have "Golden Oreos" with vanilla cookies AND vanilla filling. We have to have "Cake Oreos" which are self-explanatory and, if nobody is offended by this opinion, rather disgusting. We have "Golden Cake Oreos" (see previous sentence). Mint Oreos. Peanut butter Oreos. Double chocolate Oreos. "Fudgee" Oreos, a.k.a. chocolate Keebler cookies made in a skinny Oreo mold instead of an Elf mold.
I think I speak for the entire cookie-eating public when I say, "WHAT THE HECK?!"
Seriously -- does anyone actually BUY the million and one other varieties of Oreo? If you do please, by all means, TELL ME. This is getting insane. It's only a matter of time before they come out with "Chicken Pot Pie Oreos."
With that rant ended, I think I'll post this and go to the prom committee meeting. Once again, I PROMISE I will never go so long without posting again.
(for you, Hannah!)
Person one: So when I lifted up my bedspread I saw three chipmunks under my bed.
Person two: What did you do?
Person one: I said hi!
"Nothing awkward ever happens to me."
"Tame the bangs!"
"I swear on whatever is above us...including the squirrels..."
"We don't want anyone getting sick. So use Purell! Use it every time you come in and every time you go out! Purell, Purell, Purell!"
Person one: Last night I dreamed that I slept through camp!
Person two: Last night I dreamed that I was on a yacht with Adam Siska and President Obama.
[later on]
Person one: I want to listen to Iron Maiden so bad right now. Like, I don't think you guys can understand.
Person two: Can you understand getting pushed off a boat by Sisky Business?
Person one: Can you understand sleeping through six weeks of camp? I woke up saying, 'What the heck is going on?'
Person two: I woke up saying, 'Don't arrest him, Mr. President...he's just drunk.'
Person one: Hey, Leah, will you check my caper [daily chore]?
Person two: No way, I'll get hit by a flying rubber glove!
[That last one takes a bit of explanation. Basically, we had two dancers in our cabin who were always getting "ice packs," a.k.a. water-filled, frozen rubber gloves, from the nurse. So one day, a couple of people realized that the rubber glove would make a neat trick, so they rigged it up to the ceiling so that when a string was pulled, the glove-on-a-swing would whiz down and whack the person walking beneath it. There were a couple of days where you couldn't walk to the door without getting hit by a frozen glove!]
Person one: Uh, guys? Why is there a wrapped tampon in the toilet?
Person two: hungry. I ate a tampon. [pause] Dude, I can't believe I just said that!
"Yeah, she and I are the resident lesbians of Cabin 16..."
[Once again, it takes a bit of explanation. There were two girls who jokingly flirted with each other throughout the time at camp, even though neither one was actually gay. One night, one of the girls said this to someone who was visiting our cabin and got a shocked stare in response.]
Person one: Are you sick?
Person two: Oh, I just have Thrush. But don't worry, you can't actually catch it from me. Well, unless you drink from my water bottle, use my toothbrush, or stick your tongue in my mouth.
Person one [sarcastic]: Oh, darn. I was hoping we could make out tomorrow.
[referring to a good-looking, long-haired guy]: "Now, on to Jesus...ah, what a babe."
Person one: Uh, guys? This is bad.
Person two: What happened?
Person one: Michael Jackson is dead. Like, he just died, like half an hour ago.
[shocked silence]
Person three: Maybe...every tabloid in America is just playing a joke on us.
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