Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Interlochen February, Day 13: Blame It On the Valentines

DAY 13
February 14
Prompt: "Shimmying Szemetylo on Valentine's Day."

So in honor of Valentine's Day, I thought I would detail one of the greatest traditions of Interlochen: The Singing Valentines.

And, of course, Shimmying Szemetylo.

See, it all started, as far as I know, with Gyrating Johnny. The concept was simple: either you could buy your loved one a boring carnation, or you could surprise them with a singing Valentine...or, if even THAT wasn't enough for you, you could surprise them with a Gyrating Johnny, a.k.a. a dance major who went around with a boom box and basically danced in people's faces. But then Johnny graduated...oh no! What to do?

Easy: Get a theatre major, of course. Oh, and an MPA. They go hand in hand, you know.

And that led to this...

and this...
 and this...
 and this...
 and THIS:

Interlochen...whaddyagonnado, amirite? ;)

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone.

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