Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Interlochen February, Day 14: Talk the Talk

DAY 14
February 15
Prompt: "The Language of Interlochen."

With nothing to do but a so-easy-I-could-handle-it-in-my-sleep Psychology assignment, and enough anxious energy in me to burn through the computer screen (*pleaseacceptmyfilmNashville, pleasepleaseplease*), I have to pass the time SOMEHOW. So, I think tonight, instead of taking the prompt literally, I'll supply you with a bit of Dead Poet lingo, so you can actually understand what the hell I'm talking about, should you ever meet me face-to-face (that is, if you haven't already). Check it out:

Anemic Gecko - an idiot, a tool, someone who cannot be taken seriously, or someone who is not worth your time.
Ass Hat - see above.
Bearspam - the practice of using the emoticons on Skype to send dozens, even hundreds of animated, hugging bears. Can be used as both a display of affection and as a device of complete and total irritation.
Because Edward loves Bella and vampires have two extra chromosomes - perfectly acceptable answer to any unanswerable question.
Beatnik - a true hipster: a real nonconformist, not a soulless anti-consumer who gives real hipsters a bad name. Someone who knows what they love and who knows who they are and who does not base their likes and dislikes on what others like or dislike.
But I'm from Michigan! - what one says after screwing up.
But I want to adopt it! - this will be easy!
Death Trap - dangerous means of transportation, most commonly referring to a scooter or motorcycle.
Direct me to the ass which needs kicking - this one is self-explanatory, I think...
Douche/Douchey - mainly used to indicate pretension. Can also mean showy, edgy, old-fashioned, or exclusive.
Douche Cave - a hangout place (ex.: inviting someone to the Writing House - "We're in the Douche Cave, come hang out with us!") or a state of mind (ex.: "I was in such a weird mood last night...I was really lost in the Douche Cave.")
Douche Up - get ready; dress up as pretentiously as possible.
Greyhouse moment - a silly or ineffectual action.
Jack Kerouac would do it! - can be used as an excuse to rebel or to convince someone else to rebel.
Macaroni stop - all-purpose frustrated interjection. Generally used in the face of a roadblock, or just a major pain in the ass.
Manure hits the air circulator - a phrase stolen from an Artemis Fowl novel. A more interesting way of saying, "When something goes really, really wrong."
Sarcasm Hand - a reference to Dan Bergstein's Blogging Twilight, this one is obvious: raising one's hand during a moment of sarcasm.
So Much Class/SMC - used to indicate approval.
Tyler Durden look - danger face; an expression that says "We are going to do some damage here tonight!"
What even is that thing? - What the hell just happened? or, What the hell is going on?

And of course, I have to follow that up with some...


"If I were a prison warden, I'd want my prisoners sitting around doing Buddhist meditation, too."

"He told me he was in prison for 25 years, and I'm thinking...shit!"

Person one: Are you talking about an episode of Charmed?
Person two (shifty eyes): ...Maybe.

"'This piece of work' is just an awkward expression."

Person one: They obviously think that all women are hooker-pants.
Person two: I've never heard that expression before, but okay...

Person one: I like that shirt on you, but I would prefer if you wore suspenders all the time.
Person two: For a minute, I thought that sentence was going somewhere a lot worse than it did.

Person one: I heard you ate dirt?
Person two: That could've been ANY 16-year-old physicist at McDaniel!

Person one (reading): "There is a lot of vagina on your shirt."
Person two: There's a lot of vagina in these quotes!

"Apparently, bestiality is more common than human sex in some parts of the world - what the fuck? Pardon my language, but that's just really weird..."

"I've never thought of a feminist as being tough, dry, overcooked, and hard to cut."

Student: That true/false question was tricky.
Teacher (Prof. Richard): Yes, that's Richard being an asshole, right there.

"The War of the Worlds...well, the clearest answer I got there was that humanity doesn't have a hell of a lot of control over anything."

"When you've got 200 cars to move, after awhile you probably just go 'What the hell?'"

"In The Thing From Another World, you've got this power-mongering, crazy fucker who doesn't care if all his friends that's an example of an irrational scientist there..."

"It's sort of thinly-veiled political posturing...done by an alien."

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