Thursday, February 9, 2012

Interlochen February, Day 8: Let's Put On A Show

February 9
Prompt: "Singing and dancing in the Bowl."

I have practically no time for a post today, I have a killer Buddhism test tomorrow and, Hermione Granger-like as it sounds, I can't afford to NOT spend my last night before the test reviewing...but there is a story that I desperately want to tell tonight, because it was one of the most amazing nights of my Interlochen experience.

I know this was my junior year...but I don't remember what day or even what month, exactly. I just remember it was very cold, but not snowing, which would mean it was either spring or fall (my money's on spring, but I can't remember--Mishka, help me out here!). Anyway, we'd just come from the Melody Freeze, if I remember correctly, and we were bored, and a little bit senioritis/junioritis-ish at the time. And this was one of those things that just happened; we didn't think, didn't plan. No one SAID "Hey, guys, let's go play around in the Bowl," we just DID it.

The Bowl, for anyone who does not know, is one of our amphitheaters. It's the smaller of the two, where Les Preludes is held at the end of every camp season, where we take our giant school photo every year, and where each end-of-year dance is held in the spring. And of course, there are plenty of inappropriate jokes floating around about The Bowl (I once found "Welcome to the Interlochen Bowl...please remain seated for the entire performance" written on a bathroom stall...that was my personal favorite), which is just one of the many ways in which we express our love for it.

So, anyway, we were wandering around, and we came across the Bowl. I don't remember how or why, I just remember that we randomly ran down the aisles and onto the stage, and began to sing and dance around like total goofballs. We didn't care what we were singing, or if we were off-key. We weren't performing for anyone. We were just doing it for ourselves. And it was freezing cold, and we were all over that stage, singing and reciting poems and dancing and yelling and playing like little kids...

...and then wouldn't you know it, that's when Campus Security comes and tells us we're not allowed to be in The Bowl! And he meant business, too. Shining that stupid flashlight in our faces and speaking to us quite condescendingly. I didn't like that one bit.

But with some innocent faces and sweet words we got ourselves out of trouble and went on our merry way. The party in the Bowl was over...but the Dead Poets of Interlochen were just beginning to rise out of the woodwork.


"You could say that one of two ways. It could either be 'Are you making friends at McDaniel,' or, 'I thought we could fuck.'"

"It's different with Mr. Long Eyelashes over there..."

"Do men wear angora?"

"It's not like when the plane lands, they open all the doors and windows and air that sucker out."

Person one: In the film, I definitely got the sense that Lois was more masculine than Kenny.
Person two: It's that sweater.

"Football players shouldn't date Brazilians."

"ESTP...the 'doers'...oh yeah, that's definitely him."

Person one: You like to screw anything that moves, and some things that don't.
Person two: Show the paraplegics some love. Hug them.

Person one: You see, Sam, Avery lives in the Land of Haves and Have-Nots...and she is one of the Have-Nots.
Person two: Have-not what...testicles?

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