Monday, February 20, 2012

Interlochen February, Day 19: You Gotta Fight For Your Right to FOOOONDUUUUEEEE

DAY 19
February 20
Prompt: "Your favorite Interlochen party."

Ooh, there were quite a few good ones...but I think my all-time favorite would have to be Lucie's eighteenth birthday party. This just proved to me that creative writing majors really know how to throw a party: it involved fondue, anatomically incorrect blow-up dolls, sparkling juice, an illegal boy in our room (he actually was a student; we just weren't supposed to have guys in the McWhorter rooms), and a hell of a lot of toasting, cheering, and laughing.

Here's what really makes a good party--or anything--at Interlochen: the people. Here was the majority's idea of a party: a dance in Fine Arts or some secret meeting in someone's room after hours. Now, those are all well and good, but that's sooo been done before. When you take ten or twelve people--especially people like Lucie, Ariel, Mishka, and Ahmed--and throw them in a room with an inflatable doll dressed in clothing stolen from the Share Box, well, how can you NOT have a good time? Take the school's classiest people, throw in chocolate and inappropriate lollipops, and you've got a recipe for success.

Sorry for tonight's ridiculously short post...I really don't have time for anything else though :(

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